
Missing from this list? New position? Contact Andrew Zhu for help.


Salvatore Giorgi - Ph.D., 2023 (Research Scientist, National Institute on Drug Abuse)

Oshin Agarwal - Ph.D., 2023 (Senior NLP Research Engineer, Bloomberg LP)

Elior Sulem - Postdoc, 2022 (Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

Daphne Ippolito - Ph.D., 2022 (Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University)

Yi Zhang - Ph.D., 2022 (Applied Scientist, Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI Labs)

Soham Dan - Ph.D., 2022 (Research Scientist, IBM)

Daniel Deutsch - Ph.D., 2022 (Research Scientist, Google)

Hangfeng He - Ph.D., 2022 (Assistant Professor, University of Rochester)

Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli - Postdoc, 2021 (Applied Scientist, Microsoft Research)

Spencer Caplan - Ph.D., 2021 (Assistant Professor, CUNY Graduate Center)

Reno Kriz - Ph.D., 2021 (Researcher, HLTCOE at JHU)

Nitish Gupta - Ph.D., 2021 (Research Scientist, Google AI)

Muhao Chen - Postdoc, 2020 (Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis)

Jordan Kodner - Ph.D., 2020 (Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University)


Hongzhi Xu - Postdoc, 2019 (Shanghai International Studies University)

Stephen Mayhew - Ph.D., 2019 (Duolingo AI group)

Anne Cocos - Ph.D., 2019 (Manager, AI/ML, GlaxoSmithKline)

Daniel Khashabi - Ph.D., 2019 (Young Investigator, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)

Joao Sedoc - Ph.D., 2019 (Assistant Research Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

Shyam Upadhyay - Ph.D., 2019 (Research Scientist, Google)

Wenpeng Yin - Postdoc, 2019 (Salesforce)

Anietie Andy - Postdoc, 2018

Marianna Apidianaki - Visiting Researcher, 2018 (Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research)

Snigdha Chaturvedi - Postdoc, 2018 (Assistant Professor, UNC Chapel Hill)

Mark Sammons - Research Assistant Professor, 2018 (Research Engineer, Elemental Cognition)

Derry Wijaya - Postdoc, 2018 (Assistant Professor, Boston University)

Junyi (Jessy) Li - Ph.D., 2017 (Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin)

Ellie Pavlick - Ph.D., 2017 (Assistant Professor, Brown University)

Kai Hong - Ph.D., 2015 (Google)

Paramveer Dhillon - Ph.D., 2014 (Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Sloan School of Management)

Emily Pitler - Ph.D., 2014 (Google)

Qiuye Zhao - Ph.D., 2014 (Postdoc, Chinese Academies of Science)

Kyle Gorman - Ph.D., 2013 (Assistant Professor, CUNY Graduate Center)

Annie Louis - Ph.D., 2013 (Newton International Fellow, University of Edinburgh)

Constantine Lignos - Ph.D., 2013 (Assistant Professor, Brandeis University)

Lucas Champollion - Ph.D., 2010 (Associate Professor, NYU)

Nikhil Dinesh - Ph.D., 2010 (Computer Scientist, SRI International)

Ryan Gabbard - Ph.D., 2010 (ISI)

Kuzman Ganchev - Ph.D., 2010 (Research Scientist, Google)

Partha Pratim Talukdar - Ph.D., 2010 (PostDoc, Microsoft Search Labs)


Mark Dredze - Ph.D., 2009 (Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University (Center of Excellence))

Keelan Evanini - Ph.D., 2009 (ETS)

Erwin Chan - Ph.D., 2008 (Assistant Professor Linguistics, University of Arizona)

Liang Huang - Ph.D., 2008 (Assistant Professor, Oregon State University)

Edward Loper - Ph.D., 2008 (BBN)

Tatjana Scheffler - Ph.D., 2008 (Researcher, DFKI Berlin)

John Blitzer - Ph.D., 2007 (Research Scientist, Google)

Nick Montfort - Ph.D., 2007 (Assistant Professor, MIT)

Fei Sha - Ph.D., 2007 (Assistant Professor, University of Southern California)

Szu-ting Yi - Ph.D., 2007

Jinying Chen - Ph.D., 2006 (BBN)

Susan Converse - Ph.D., 2006

Yuan Ding - Ph.D., 2006

Na-Rae Han - Ph.D., 2006 (Korea University)

Matt Huenerfauth - Ph.D., 2006 (Assistant Professor, CUNY)

Ryan McDonald - Ph.D., 2006 (Google Research)

Libin Shen - Ph.D., 2006 (BBN)

Karin Kipper Schuler - Ph.D., 2005 (University of Colorado)

Craig Martell - Ph.D., 2005 (Associate Professor, Naval Postgraduate School)

Tom Morton - Ph.D., 2005 (Comcast)

Dan Bikel - Ph.D., 2004 (Research Scientist, Google)

David Chiang - Ph.D., 2004 (ISI/USC)

Hoa Trang Dang - Ph.D., 2004 (NIST)

Eleni Miltsakaki - Ph.D., 2003 (Senior Researcher, Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania)

Carlos Prolo - Ph.D., 2003 (Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS))

William Schuler - Ph.D., 2003 (Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota)

Christian Vogler - Ph.D., 2003

Anoop Sarkar - Ph.D., 2002 (Professor, Simon Fraser University)

Jason Eisner - Ph.D., 2001 (Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

Fei Xia - Ph.D., 2001 (Professor, University of Washington)

Seth Kulick - Ph.D., 2000 (University of Pennsylvania)


Michael Collins - Ph.D., 1999 (Professor, Columbia University)

Nobo Komagata - Ph.D., 1999 (PhenomenoLogic)

Christy Doran - Ph.D., 1998 (Mitre Corporation)

Dan Melamed - Ph.D., 1998 (Assistant Professor, NYU)

Adwait Ratnaparkhi - Ph.D., 1998 (Director, Voice and NLU R&D, Roku)

Matthew Stone - Ph.D., 1998 (Professor, Rutgers)

Srinivas Bangalore - Ph.D., 1997 (Director of AI Research, Interactions LLC)

David Yarowsky - Ph.D., 1996 (Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

James Henderson - Ph.D., 1994 (University of Geneva)

Owen Rambow - Ph.D., 1994 (Research Scientist, Elemental Cognition)

Philip Resnik - Ph.D., 1994 (Professor, University of Maryland)

Eric Brill - Ph.D., 1993 (VP Research, eBay)

Jeff Reynar - Ph.D., 1993 (Google)

Michel Degraff - Ph.D., 1992 (Associate Professor Linguistics, MIT)

Robert Frank - Ph.D., 1992 (Professor & Chair, Linguistics, Yale)

Robert Rubinoff - Ph.D., 1992

Jugal Kalita - Ph.D., 1990 (Associate Professor, University of Colorado)

Yves Schabes - Ph.D., 1990 (Founder of Teragram, Inc)


David Weir - Ph.D., 1988 (Professor, University of Sussex)

Julia Hirschberg - Ph.D., 1985 (Professor, Columbia)

Kathleen McCoy - Ph.D., 1985 (Professor, University of Delaware)

Eric Mays - Ph.D., 1984 (IBM Research)

Kathleen McKeown - Ph.D., 1982 (Professor, Columbia)


Thomas Kaczmarek - Ph.D., 1977

S.Jerrold Kaplan - Ph.D., 1977

Stanley Rosenschein - Ph.D., 1975 (Quindi Corporation)

Ralph Weischedel - Ph.D., 1975 (ISI Boston)

Johnson Hart - Ph.D., 1972 (JMH Associates)

Lynette Hirschman - Ph.D., 1972 (Mitre Corporation)

Masako Takahashi - Ph.D., 1972 (Tokyo Inst. Of Technology, first Japanese woman PhD in Computer Science)

Leon Levy - Ph.D., 1970


Robert Mulholland - Ph.D., 1965


Noam Chomsky - Ph.D., 1955 (Institute Professor Emeritus, MIT)